Friday, May 30, 2008

Can they keep a secret?

Last 28th May was Ayah's 35th birthday. So, Ibu got him a present and decided to buy something for Esya and Yana for Ayah (hhmmm...confused???). Ibu bought a nice card and framed it in an orange photo frame and Esya chose a Dad's mug and Yana a card, of course Ibu had to pay for it. Should Ibu deduct it from your savings? Duuhhh --- we'll see if I could do that. Anyway, we had a pact right before stepping out of the gift shop (Memory Lane), that everybody had to be discreet about it. I was actually excited to see the result, if they could be just that. Upon arrival, Ayah was outside the house, gardening. Esya ran up to him and whispered something but loud enough for me to hear (saved me from the sin of eavesdropping...hehe). "Ayah, got birthday for u!" said she. OMG, that was just 20 mins later after the pact we made. What's more to come? Ayah was just smiling away..."Hah? A birthday cake?". Then, came Yana. "Ayah, surprise..." Haiya....girls oh girls!!!!

At nite, we went for ice-cream at A&W, savouring every scoop of it and drove home at 10pm. Presents were still in the house and Ayah was playing along for his 'surprised' birthday cake. Once home, some neighbours were chatting outside and guess what, Ayah just had to join them. So, we all waited in the house with presents in our hands...waiting...and waiting....and waiting some more...waiting still....That's it! It had been 30 mins.

Esya got bored of the endless torture and jumped off the sofa and screamed for Ayah. "Ayah, hurry. Balik cepat. Got presents in the house!!!". Secret was disclosed, again. Ayah 'gracefully' walked past the gate and we all were all ready waiting at the doorstep. So,Yana handed the card first followed by Esya with the mug (still wrapped) and Esya to her excitement couldn't keep her big mouth shut - "Ayah, be careful. Nanti cawan pecah." hahahaha....

So, if u need to know some thruths about things, ask a 5-year-old kid. The whole truth will be revealed whether u like it or not.

Happy birthday Ayah.

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